Kunstwerk von freakylicious

photo courtesy of Afroditi Festa

Sabine Hilscher // HYPHEMIND


Fuji Crystal Archive photo print

50 x 73,50 cm / 19,7 x 29 inches

Sabine Hilscher is interested in the intersection of art, installation, bodywork, performance and costume. In her work “HYPHEMIND” she shows five people in the shape of mushrooms. The artist  created the costumes for the music theater production HYPHEMIND in 2022. The  humans have become mushrooms with their colorful, fascinating and  individual fruiting bodies, showing their ability to build and integrate into  diverse and transcultural networks and collectives. Mushrooms serve as models for society. In contrast to humans, mushrooms have no knowledge of any patriarchal, neoliberal, binary,  uniform or intolerant forms of organization; they do not build  any borders that need to be defended. Nevertheless, fungi form huge mycelium, often stretching for many kilometers, and are successful in symbiotic relationships  with their own kind, other fungal species and trees to the advantage of everyone involved. A world in which all interest groups are satisfied must be the goal of a sustainable and peaceful living environment. photo courtesy of Afroditi Festa. www.sabinehilscher.de  @sabine_hilscher. “HYPHEMIND”, 50 x 73,50 cm, Fuji Crystal Archive photo print.