Kunstwerk von freakylicious

photo courtesy of Martin Krammer

Martin Krammer // Flesh_Bones_and Ballet, VIDEO


woodsculptures, acrylic, watercolor on limewood, video in loop 1080 x 1080

1080 x 1080 pixel

Martin Krammer is a sculptor and painter based in Austria. He often combines photography and wood sculpture to create stop-motion-videos where specific movements and perspectives are used to tell a narrative. The video “Flesh_Bones_and Ballet” was created in 2022 and shows infighting boxers whose actions continuously mingle between fighting, hugging and kissing. In our exhibition we show not only the video but also the two boxer sculptures that were the actors in the stop-motion video. Photo courtesy of Martin Krammer. www.martinkrammer.at  @martinkrammer_art. “Flesh_Bones_and Ballet”, 2022, 31 x 17 x 6 and 31 x 16 x 6 cm, 2 woodsculptures acrylic, watercolor on limewood, video in loop 1080, 1080.