Artwork from Margareta Klose

Margareta Klose © Bildrecht, Wien 2020


The keyword PROZESSKOMPETENZ (process competence) is given the right spin with a processing program. The performer acts as a spin doctor, accelerating the process of competence development in the name of the OECD. This PowerPoint presentation sets the bar for the development of process competences by motivated people and their computers, so that this Institute University of Applied Arts Vienna may deliver successful performances in the future as well. 

The PowerPoint presentation on didactic competency terms is immediately followed by a spiral whirling dance during which the performing verbs verorten - verkörpern - erfahren - erinnern (to locate - to embody - to experience - to remember) are repeated. This dance serves as another mode of demonstration and as a rhythmic self-experiment. Two different forms of presentation emerge: a scientific, methodic approach as well as demonstration as an art-form that seems to show how art can be taught and passed on in a process-oriented way. In doing so, both of these forms of presentation seem to challenge each other, creating a dialogue between Teaching and Research, Didactics, and artistic cognitive practice.

The process competence term aims to serve as a term that manages to include development, progress as well as the product, competence, and knowledge. The recursive relationship between product- and process-orientation as well as the paradoxical relationship between self-empowerment, self-marketing, and self-optimization. ART IS TEACHING.

Because of the term’s origin (developed for the OECD by Franz E. Weinert in the ‘90s) the performance is presented in German.