Distant Peripheries - 15.02.-15.03.2025 - Micro Space for Art - Mariazell

Fotocredit: photo Art Collection Schlichtner

Distant Peripheries

Curated by: Andreas Schlichtner and Oleg Ustinov.

What does it mean if we invite artists from a distant place to present an artwork in another place out of reach?

The exhibition "Distant Peripheries" explores these questions by connecting three artists from three distinct cultural and geographical contexts—Russia, the USA, and Austria. Through textile arts, the exhibition reflects on the spatial and relational dynamics of power, culture, and artistic production in a globalized world.

Exhibition Details:


Micro Space for Art

Wiener Strasse 13, 8630 Mariazell, Austria.

This unique shopwindow gallery is run by artist Alexandar Peev, offering a micro-scale yet impactful venue for artistic dialogues.

Opening Reception: Saturday, 15th February 2025, 3 PM – 5 PM.

Exhibition Dates: 15th February – 15th March 2025.


Featured Artists:

Lyubov Kulik (Russia, Chechnya) – Embroidery.
Alan Neider (USA, Connecticut) – Tapestry.
Bettina Schülke (Austria, Vienna) – Textile arts.

Key Themes and Concepts:

Center vs. Periphery: Exploring the interplay of cultural centers, peripheries and marginal spaces.
Spatial Aspects: Investigating the role of location in art and dialogue.

  • Relations of Power: Examining cultural and geopolitical hierarchies.

  • Connecting Worlds: Mariazell as both a center and a periphery, facilitating a dynamic intersection of global art and communication.

  • The Digital Revolution: How social media and mobility influence art exhibitions and art practices.

  • Horizontalized Networks: Rethinking traditional power dynamics in the art world.

  • Textile Arts: A medium rooted in tradition, yet dynamic and innovative.

"Distant Peripheries" invites you to experience the powerful interplay of cultures, ideas, and art forms. Through this exhibition, we aim to foster dialogues across borders.

Join us at Micro Space for Art and immerse yourself in this global artistic conversation.


Lyubov Kulik @love.kulik

Alan Neider @alanneider_art

Bettina Schülke @bettina.schuelke

Andreas Schlichtner @art_collection_schlichtner

Oleg Ustinov @iamolegustinov

Alexandar Peev @alexandar_peev